Welcome Back To Me

Hi... Long time no see, yes, I've been disappear for about 6 month.. Now, I'm back and ready to share again.. Hope have a fresh ideas to share and whorted to you.. Wondering where I'm for last 6 month?

Just get married in December 2011, and 6 month after that, my wife get pregnant. My first son/daughter (still don't know) will be born in next 3 month. So, as a good 'future' dad, is my responsibility to support my wife at all cost, include decrease my activity on internet.

But now, I've a lot of time together, and also a lot of time to manage my blog. Hope still have a touch to write something. Just find a funny picture to share..

I'm back, welcome back to me...


  1. welcomback sobat...

    picnya lucu gimana gitu, pengen senyum liatnya.

  2. ya ampun, dari mane ajeee loooooooooooo.. *ngambul*
    tiga bulan lagi, mudah2an lewat Nyepi ya bliii.. hihihihihihi... Dimana mo melahirkan? I hope in Bali. ;)

  3. @fitri : sweet like me 'lol'
    @roel : haha.. smileee...
    @gek : nope, Jakarta of course :p
    mudah2an lewat nyepi..

  4. Whoaa...uda isi ternyata... Ijin sedot gambar nya Gus :D Tks.

  5. mantap gan mantap banget dah gan info nya ,,,,,,,,,
